sâmbătă, 20 februarie 2010

Frank Lloyd Wright

Am gasit acest interviu cu marele arhitect :

Mi s-a parut foarte interesant, atat de interesant incat l-am si transcris:

"Freedom can't exist without a conscience. Now the condition of freedom is a developed conscience. You can't bee free until you have it because you'll be afraid. Now no man is free when afraid. And he is afraid until he has developed the certainty that comes from a creative life and a creative roll in life in a way of art, religion and science.
The universe is spiritual, the real body of life is that we live from the waste up, we’re at least spiritual, humanity begins from the belt up, doesn’t it? Man is partly animal and until he makes something of himself by the way of the spirit and becomes spiritually pure in a way, he is not creative, he can’t be! Until science and art and religion are more or less one, we’re not going to be saved. We want security don’t we? We talk about security, we’re all insecure, we’re all…. But you should always have a little element of uncertainty in order to keep us modest.
Education has been unrealistic, education has not seen the nature of the thing we needed as a people and education has not provided enlightenment, it’s provided conditioning by way of books, by way of what has been, by way of the past, by the habituation of the human species today. But it hasn’t taken the views of the man that is looking beyond and seeing what the nature of the thing was. What is the nature of this thing we’re in? Now that’s the grace of seeing “in” not seeing “at”. Education today is a seeing “at“! There’s no school that is worth it’s existence except as it is a form of nature study. Now the use of the word nature by education is retributive, because when they take nature and use the word nature they mean the outer doors, they mean the elements,  they mean the animal life, they mean pretty much from the waste down, where as nature whit a capital N is all about God, that where ever going to see so it is practically the form of god for us and there for by way of studding  that, we learn who we are, what we are, and how we are, the inspiration that you have is not a gift it has been given to you as a gift to be realized and exercised in behalf of life and you are absolutely in a puzzle of nature for life. Now if your “for life”, you’re for the individual, and if you’re for the individual you are not alone, you never will be, it will be a consequence.
Every artist who ever lived is a philosopher , my work is great and so far as it’s philosophy is sound, and if the philosophy is unsound work will not endure, and if it didn’t have that philosophy it wouldn’t have existed.  A philosophy is deduced from nature and if according: if the philosophy is parallel to the truths and precedent of nature it endures. Without philosophy there is no understanding of anything, without your philosophic resolution and analysis of knowledge that’s applied to life what are you? It’s the only place you can get it. What applies to me applies to you just as much, there’s no specialty in this things, there is only philosophy whit a capital phi.
Man is a faze of nature and only as he is related to nature does he matter, does he have any account for rising ever above the dust and if man can get a sense of a good philosophy he is inevitably creative."

The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon

Proiect - Adapost in parc

Facultatea mea, vina mea, prostia mea

Cred ca eram in clasa a 10a cand ma gandeam ca vreau sa dau la arhitectura, ideea imi facea cu ochiul de ceva timp asa ca m-am dus sa fac pregatire, m-am dus in biroul domnului arhitect Severica Mitrache si m-a pus sa desenez o cutie de chibrituri si un pachet de tigari, am desenat eu acolo niste prisme cum eram invatati in clasa a 8a la geometrie si m-am dus sa ii arat, stiu ca stateam fata in fata cu domn' Mitrache la masa si s-a apucat sa imi explice cum trebuia desenat, pe la finalul discutiei cand a terminat de desenat  am ramas uimit cat de bine  i-a iesit, surprinderea a fost si mai mare cand am vazut ca el defapt desenase totul invers ca si cum as fii desenat eu numai ca el statea in fata mea... din pacate mi-am bagat picioarele in sansa de a face pregatire cu el nu pentru ca nu m-a acceptat, pentru ca am stat doi la el in care jumatate din sedinte mergeam cu un prieten la biliard, acum jucam destul de bine biliard  dar asta nu ne-a ajutat cu nimic cand a fost vorba de admiterea de la Ion Mincu, unde am picat amandoi.
Asa ca nu mi-a mai ramas decat Spiru Haret, unde am intrat dupa ce am dat admiterea la o cafenea pe Lipscani pentru ca nu aveam loc sa fac desenele in sala de asteptare de la facultate. Acum sunt in semestrul doi, anul intai si imi dau pumni in cap pentru toate orele de biliard de fiecare data cand ma intreaba cineva unde sunt la facultate, cel mai trist lucru e cand vezi cum li se ridica ochii cand aud de arhitectura si cum le cad la loc imediat cand aud Spiru Haret, am momente cand ma documentez, invat, citesc teoriile marilor arhitecti din trecut si prezent si parca prind energie cand stiu ca si eu fac acelas lucru ca ei, energie care se duce imediat cum vad o pereche de ochi care se duce in jos sau cand sunt in pasaj la universitate in drum spre scola si in loc sa fac dreapta cum ies de la metrou spre Mincu merg in fatza spre Spiru. Si principalul vinovat sunt, evident, EU pentru ca pana la urma totul a stat in varful creioanelor mele care ar fii facut o plansa mult mai buna la admitere daca mana in care erau ar fii muncit mai mult, dar creierul care coordoneaza respectiva mana este al unui om lenes si fara prea mult talent la desen, acum nu am ce sa fac decat sa incerc sa ma schimb, cea cea nu e asa usor cum pare, pana la urma nu e indeajuns sa vreau, trebuie sa fac ceva, sa actionez , sa dau din mana cu zice domn' Mitrache sa speram ca o sa si pot!!
Randurile de mai sus reprezinta "off-ul" meu, deceptia mea, partea urata, DAR, din fericire, exista partea buna, partea care ma face sa merg mai departe si anume ARHITECTURA in sine, e singura care ma consoleaza, ca pana la urma nu conteaza ce crede restul lumii despre locul unde o invat, unde o descopar, atat timp cat EU o descopar, pentru mine. Totusi cat de blamat e Spiru Haret, la facultatea de arhitectura exista profesori care se implica, de la care daca vrei sa inveti poti sa o faci foarte bine.
Pana la urma nu stiu ce imi rezerva viitorul poate o sa termin facultatea asta si nu o sa fiu recunoscut si o sa mi se inchida usi in nas ca sunt de la Spiru sau poate nu, poate nu o sa fie deloc asa, poate nici nu termin facultatea, pana la urma noi sa fim sanatosi!

Primul post!

Primul post... ma gandesc ca primul post de pe noul meu blog este special, ca o deflorare a unei pagini web, aproape goala, cu gandurile mele...
Asadar ma apuc sa apuc sa rup himenul si incep: noul meu blog, zic noul meu blog pentru ca am avut , cu mult timp in urma, alt blog (3n3sQ.bloghost.ro), il mentionez nu pentru ca ar fii fost foarte cunoscut ci pentru ca mi-a fost destul de drag , pacat ca nu mai am nimic din el, dar "out whit the old, and in whit the the new", "the new me" acum realizez ca vad viata altfel, de acea un nume nou enescul.blogspot.com si ori din plictiseala si lipsa de somn, ori din dorinta de a-mi face cunoscute gandurile scriu aceste randuri.
Asta seara m-am gandit: "de ce sa nu  fac un blog?"si cum momentan ma simt destul de creativ si de ceva vreme incoace am avut cateva idei si ganduri destul de interesante am zis ca ar merita sa il fac, ce va fii in el nu are rost sa spun pentru ca nici eu nu stiu exact ce o sa pun in el... nici nu stiu daca o sa il citeasca cineva, nici nu stiu daca o sa mai scriu in el de maine, dar acum l-am facut si o sa vad ce iese.